Identity for exhibition, social media, postcard and booklet.

DosRíos was part of a series of exhibitions called Ciclo Visuales de radio at the FM bar La Tribu with the coordination and curatorship of Natalia Revale, Javier del Olmo and Ayelén Rodríguez.

15 years after the Avellaneda Massacre, the murder of Darío Santillán and Maximiliano Kosteki, visual, audiovisual and sound notes of the future of the Darío and Maxi station in these 15 years were gathered at Espacio Bar La Tribu.
Natalia Revale
The Station, a popular culture in permanent construction, with the contribution of works, drawings, paintings, sculptures, videos, photographs, poems, which have formed in these years a permanent exhibition space, of visual poetry, echo of a unique and urgent.
Participated in this edition: Diego Abu Arab, Daniel Malnati, Florencia Vespignani, Alejandra Andreone, Lorena Reina, Anita Pouchard Serra, Julia Masvernat, Taller Popular de Serigrafía, Mabel Godoy, Vicente Zito Lema, Martín Lago, Julieta Lopresto Palermo, Vero Canino, Sub Cooperativa de Fotógrafos, Taller Libre de Proyecto Social, C.A.P.A, Julieta Lopresto Palermo, Andrés Álvarez, Federico Langer… and more!